Evangelos I. Poutos


Short CV

Dr. Evangelos I. Poutos holds a Ph.D. in Finance and Accounting from the Hellenic Open University, an MSc in Finance from Birkbeck College, University of London, and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Since 2010, Dr. Poutos has been teaching courses in Finance and Accounting at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has taught at institutions such as the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the National Technical University of Athens, the Hellenic Open University, Harokopio University, and the University of West Attica (formerly TEI of Piraeus and TEI of Athens).

In addition to his academic career, Dr. Poutos serves as an advisor to the Minister of Development and Investments. He has contributed to the Strategic Planning of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2021–2027 and the Recovery and Resilience Fund for the Ministry of Development and Investments.

He is also an external consultant for the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) in the Strategic Contracts Unit.

Recent Publications

  1. Eriotis Ν., Liapis Κ., Kounadeas Τ., and Poutos E. (2019), « The Impact of IFRS Adoption by Greek Listed Companies on the Earnings Quality: An Empirical Investigation», International Journal of Finance, Insurance and Risk Management, Volume IX, Issue 3-4.
  2. Georgantopoulos A., Eriotis Ν., and Poutos E. (2018), « Recent Developments and Trends in Accounting Information Systems», Journal of Accounting Business and Finance Research, Vol. 3, No. 1.
  3. Georgantopoulos A., Filios I., and Poutos E. (2018), «Banks, Stock Markets, and Growth Relationships in the EU28 Countries», Perspectives, Trends, and Applications in Corporate Finance and Accounting, Edition: 1st, Chapter: 6, Publisher: IGI Global.
  4. Vasiliou D., Eriotis Ν., Kaldis P., and Poutos E. (2013), «The factors that affect the dividend policy of the Greek listed firms prior to the Economic crisis: A comparison to NYSE, NASDAQ, Norwegian and U.K. firms», American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, volume 5, issue 4.
  5. Toudas K., Balios D., and Poutos E. (2013), «Concept, Regulations and Institutional Issues of IPSAS: A Critical Review», European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, volume 2, number 1.
  6. Eriotis Ν., Kaldis P., Papadopoulou E., Poutos E., and Vasiliou D. (2013), «The impact of the Greek economic crisis on the Greek construction companies. Back to basics: the statistical cost accounting model», American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, volume 5, issue 4.