Aristidis Samitas


Short CV

Dr. Aristidis Samitas is a Professor of Finance in the Department of Business Administration and Organizations, School of Economics and Political Sciences, at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (awaiting appointment).

He has also served as a professor in the Department of Business Administration at the University of the Aegean for 20 years.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, an MSc in Money, Banking, and Finance from Birmingham University in the UK, and a Ph.D. in Finance from the Department of Economics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Additionally, Dr. Samitas has conducted postdoctoral research in Finance at City University in London.

He has served as the Head of the Finance Department at Zayed University, UAE, and as Director of the MBA and Executive MBA programs at the University of the Aegean for several years.

Dr. Samitas has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the Department of Economics of the University of Athens, the Department of Economics at the University of Thessaly, the Hellenic Open University, and the Economics Departments at Sheffield University and City University in the UK.

He is an Associate Editor of the scientific journal International Journal of Finance and Economics and a member of several academic associations. He also serves as a reviewer for international journals. His studies and articles have been published in leading scientific journals and collective volumes, such as Journal of Econometrics, European Journal of Finance, Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money, International Review of Financial Analysis, Applied Financial Economics, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Small Business Economics, among others.

His research interests include Financial Analysis and Business Administration, Econometrics, Portfolio Management, Financial Crises, and Business Strategy.

Recent Publications

  1. Samitas, E. Kampouris and S. Polyzos”, (2022),” Covid-19 Pandemic and Spillover Effects in Stock Markets: A Financial Network Approach”, International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 80, Elsevier ( ABS 3)
  2. S. Polyzos, A. Samitas and E. Kampouris, “Economic Stimulus through Bank Regulation: Government Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis”, (2021), Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Volume 75, 101444, Pages 1- 23, Elsevier ( ABS 3)
  3. G. Rubbaniy, A. A. Khalid, K. Syriopoulos and A. Samitas,” Safe-Haven Properties of Soft Commodities During Times of Covid-19”, (2021), Journal of Commodity Markets, forthcoming, Elsevier (ABS 3)
  4. Samitas, E. Kampouris and Z. Umar, “Financial Contagion in Real Economy: The key Role of Policy Uncertainty”, (2020), International Journal of Economics and Finance,, Wiley, (ABS 3)
  5. Samitas, E. Kampouris and D. Kenourgios, “Machine Learning as An Early Warning System to Predict Financial Crisis”, (2020), International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol.71, Elsevier (ABS 3)
  6. Z. Umar, C.T. Shehzad and A. Samitas, “The demand for Eurozone stocks and bonds in a time-varying asset allocation framework” (2019), European Journal of Finance, 25 (11), pp.994-1011, Taylor & Francis (ABS 3)
  7. Samitas and E. Kampouris, “Empirical analysis of market reactions to the UK’s referendum results – How strong will Brexit be?” (2018), Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Volume 53, Pages 263-286, Elsevier ( ABS 3)
  8. Samitas and E. Kampouris, “Empirical Investigation of Co-Authorship in the Field of Finance: A Network Perspective” (2018), International Review of Financial Analysis, Volume 58, Pages 235-246, Elsevier (ABS 3)
  9. Α. Andrikopoulos, A. Samitas and K. Kostaris, “Forty Years of the Journal of Econometrics: Coauthorship Patterns and Networks”, (2016) Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 195 (1), Pages 23-32, Elsevier (ABS 4)